FMS Athletics - Hastings Modified Sports
Hastings Modified Programs
Modified Sports is an introduction to interscholastic athletics. It is not a club or intramural program.
Modified Sports Offered Each Season for 7th and 8th Graders:
- Football (7th & 8th grade)
- Boys Soccer
- Girls Soccer
- Girls Tennis
- Cross Country
- Field Hockey
- Volleyball
- Boys Basketball
- Girls Basketball
- Wrestling
- Indoor Track
- Baseball
- Boys Lacrosse
- Girls Lacrosse
- Softball
- Boys Tennis
- Track and Field
Attention 7th & 8th Grade Student-Athlete Families:
A few years ago, the Athletic Department revised the Modified Interscholastic Athletic Team format! We understand that Athletics is a huge part of many people’s lives and an integral part of the development of life-long skills such as teamwork, time-management, sportsmanship, and maintaining a healthy life-style.
We are excited about the participation interest for Modified Sports. We want to ensure that athletes are on teams with a good coach:athlete ratio, opportunities for playing time and adequate field and practice space–all of which are essential to a quality athletic experience.
For sports with more athletes than is appropriate for one team, we will have a Hastings School Team and a Developmental School Team. When fiscally possible, the athletic department will try to secure additional coaching support if needed. This will allow any interested athlete to have the opportunity to be a team in their chosen sport.
Here is the Modified Interscholastic Athletics Program Details:
If the team does not have too many players to maintain the safety and integrity of the program, all can participate without the need for tryouts/cuts.
If a team has too many interested participants to maintain the safety and integrity of the program, we will run a tryout process to select a Hastings School Team, which will have a full schedule of contests. Roster size is sport specific and determined by the Athletic Department. The tryout process will include skill/knowledge of the game, dedication, effort, attendance, attitude, and sportsmanship.
If a student-athlete does not make the Hastings School Team, the Athletic Department will offer a Developmental School Team, with a dedicated coach. Practices will be designed to help enhance the student-athletes knowledge and skills to get them “game ready.” If the coach feels the team is “game ready,” the Athletic Office will schedule games for the team.
Players can be moved from the Hastings School Team to the Developmental School Team and vice versa at any time during the season based at the coaches discretion. Some potential reasons for moving from team to team would be (but not limited to) attitude, game readiness, attendance, academic performance, and effort.
The Hastings School Team practices Monday-Friday from 3:30pm-5:00pm. Practice schedule may be affected by weather, coach reasons, and/or unforeseen circumstances. If you have to miss practice for a valid reason, you must inform the coach in advance. Playing time and/or staying on the Hastings School Team can be affected by attendance, effort, and development.
The Hastings Developmental School Team will be practicing at least 3 days per week (maybe more), during the Monday-Friday. Schedule will be determined by the coach and is based on space and coach availability, as well as weather and/or unforeseen cancellations. Missing practices will hurt the student-athletes' development. If the team has added contests, playing time may be affected.
If student-athletes do not make the Hastings School Team and do not want to participate in the Developmental School Team, they may join another school team as long as the athlete can fit on the roster safely and with coaches blessing. Many players have found the team that was best suited for them through this process and have enjoyed successful high school/collegiate careers after a change in their original sport.
The Athletic Department also offers Morning Intramurals for all Middle School Students (5th-8th), as an additional opportunity to have fun and exercise. Email Mr. Matt Adipietro at for more details.
Also, make sure to join the team’s SportsYou page to keep up-to-date on all announcements made by the coach. Coaches contacts and other information can be found on the Hastings Athletic Website.
Thank you for your tremendous and continued support for the Hastings Athletic Department. It is a proud day to be a Yellowjacket!
Let's go Yellowjackets!