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Committee on Special Education

What is the Committee on Special Education (CSE)?

The Committee on Special Education (CSE) serves children between the ages 5-21 who are in need of special education services and eligible for school age services. Referrals to the Committee on Special Education may be made by district staff or parents. If you suspect that your child may have a disability that requires specialized instruction, you are encouraged to refer your child, in writing to the Committee on Special Education, in the office of Special Education Services. Upon its receipt of a referral, the Committee will send to you a "Request for Consent to Evaluate Form," the Procedural Safeguards and A Parent's Guide to Special Education. In order to begin the process, a parent must sign and return the “Consent to Evaluate” form to the Office of Special Education Services. The District then has 60 calendar days to complete the process. For more information on the referral process please go to parent resources and download A Parent's Guide to Special Education. 

Concurrently, the student may be referred to the building for Response to Intervention services in order to provide intervention services and gather additional data prior to an eligibility determination. For more information about Response to Intervention, please go to Resources and Helpful links.  

Who participates in the CSE meeting?

The committee is comprised of the following members: the parents of the child, a district representative authorized by the Board of Education, a special education teacher, a regular education teacher, and the school psychologist. Other participants may include district staff who evaluated the student, service providers and anyone the parent or district chooses to invite who has special knowledge or expertise regarding the student. Parents may request a parent member, (a parent of a student who was previously classified). A parent member must be requested at least 72 hours prior to the CSE meeting.  The child may be invited and attend when appropriate.  

How is eligibility determined?

After reviewing all the information gathered, all the formal evaluations completed, parent and teacher input, the CSE will determine whether the student has a disability and whether the disability has an adverse effect on the student’s educational performance that requires specialized instruction and/ or related services. If the CSE determines that a student has a disability as defined in law, it will develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and recommend services to meet the student’s needs.

At any point in time during the process the parent has right to withdraw consent and the referral process may not proceed. Once a child receives services under an IEP, a parent may revoke consent for special education in writing to the Director of Special Education.

If you would like more information on the Committee on Special Education, please contact Laura Sullivan, Director of Special Education Services, 914-478-6261 for additional information.