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Programs and Services

In Hastings we offer a broad continuum of service in order to meet each student’s needs in the least restrictive environment. We have a variety of inclusive and self-contained options so that a student’s program can be tailored based on their strengths and challenges. Below is a list of what is available should your child require specialized services.

Related Services:  Related services are those that assist a student in benefiting from other special education services or assist the student in accessing the general curriculum.   Related services include, but are not limited to: Speech & Language, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Counseling, and Parent Training. For more information about related services please click the link here.

Special Classes:  Special Class is an instructional class consisting of students who have similar individual needs for the purpose of receiving specially designed instruction.  Students who receive this service generally have difficulties accessing instruction in the general education setting. For more information about special class click the link here.  For building specific details see below.

Integrated Co-Teaching:  Integrated Co-Teaching services is specially designed academic instruction provided to students with learning differences alongside their peers in the general education classroom. In an Integrated Co-Teaching classroom, the general education teacher and special education teacher share responsibility for classroom instruction, assessment and other aspects of teaching. Curriculum, materials, assignments, and assessments may be modified to meet the individual learning needs of all students. For more information about ICT click here

Consultant Teacher:  CT services are defined as direct and/or indirect services provided to a school-age student with a disability in the student's general education classes, including career and technical education classes, and/or to such student’s general education teachers.  For more information about CT services click here

5:1 Resource Room: 

  • Five students (Maximum)
  • One special education teacher

This is a non credit bearing special education service that  supports students with learning differences by providing specialized instruction in a small group setting, with a purpose of supplementing the general education, or special class curriculum, based on a student's IEP goals.  In addition to curriculum support students can receive support that includes but are not limited to executive functioning skills, study skills, and critical thinking skills(within the goals of the IEP). The main purpose of resource room is to build student independence while focusing on the content of what is being taught in the classroom.  Homework can be used in a resource room as a teaching tool to support the instruction of the individual goals. For more information about resource room click here.

Reading Instruction: Small group specialized instruction in the area of reading that utilizes multiple methodologies that are individualized to meet the needs of the students.


12:1:1 Special Class (Learning Lab Grades 1-4)/Collaborative Learning Class:

  • Twelve students
  • One Special Education Teacher
  • One Teacher Assistant

This class is designed for students who need direct instruction in Language Arts, and Mathematics and thus require a more restrictive environment.  The model of this class requires students to be pulled from their general education setting for 60 minutes for Language Arts and/or 60 minutes in Mathematics.  The students who receive these programs are fully integrated with their general education peers for the remainder of their instruction (some students may receive related services in addition to this).   In the general education classroom setting(The Collaborative Learning Class), learning lab students will be supported by either their special education teacher or their special education teaching assistant.   

Collaborative Learning Class

The Collaborative Learning Class is the second portion of the Learning Lab (Special Class 12:1:1).  In the CLC, students with and without IEPs receive instruction in heterogeneous grouping with the support of a licensed general education teacher and a licensed special education teacher or a licensed teacher assistant.  

8:1:2 Special Class (Communication Class Grades K-2, and 3-5):

  • Eight students
  • One Special Education Teacher
  • One Teacher Assistant, and One Teaching Aide

This class is designed for students with significant academic, communication, and management needs that require increased supervision and individualized academic, and behavioral modifications.  This class fosters the development of skills and support for the individual student in the specialized areas of communication, socialization, sensory‐motor processing, behavior management, daily living skills, and academics.

Middle School Special Class 12:1:1:

  • Twelve students
  • One Special Education Teacher
  • One Teacher Aide/Assistant

This class is designed for students who need direct instruction in Language Arts, and/or Mathematics and thus require a more restrictive environment.  Instruction in this class parallels that of the general education content but a pace that meets the individual students needs.

High School Special Class at Hastings High School 12:1:

  • Twelve students
  • One Special Education Teacher

Hastings High School provides special class in  Humanities which support the English and History curriculum in a small class setting. Lessons focus on improving the writing process (including proofreading and editing skills), reading strategies related to higher level reading materials, as well as test-taking strategies, time management, and organizational skills.

Out-of-District Placement:

If the Committee for Special Education determines that a student’s needs cannot be met in-district, a student may attend an out-of-district placement at the recommendation of the Committee for Special Education.

Home Instruction:

Home and hospital instruction. Students with disabilities who are recommended for home and/or hospital instruction by the Committee on Special Education shall be provided instruction and appropriate related services as determined by the Committee on Special Education in consideration of the student's unique needs.