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When does the crew need to be at the Theater?

Crew schedule will vary slightly from production to production, but in general always plan on being available the Saturday the week before the show for the Work Call Day, Monday thru Thursday the week of the show (tech week) and of course the show days.  There are also the possiblities of additional work calls to hang and focus lights in the two weeks before tech week.

Is there flexiblity in attendance to crew calls?

  • Pre-tech week crew calls and the Saturday work calls have flexiblity.  You need to get your area or crew set up and ready for tech week, but you will not be locked into the entire time.   The key is communicating your scheduling issues with your tech director.  Emails prefered!
  • Tech Week all calls are mandatory for running crew.  You need to be present for the entire rehearsal.  Remember the cast has been rehearsing for weeks... crew only gets 4 or 5 rehearsals to learn their job for the shows.   The only excused absence during tech is illness that kept you home from school.

Does the crew need to attend Cast rehearsals before Tech week?

The crew is invited to stop by rehearsals to become familiar with the show.  It is a time to watch quietly and learn what is going on. But crew must be respectful not to disrupt the rehearsal and distract the cast members. 

Some crew jobs require more time in rehearsals then others. 

  • Stage managers and assistant stage managers need to attend almost all the rehearsals, but they can split the rehearsals within the SM Team. 
  • Props, Lights and Sound should stop by to watch rehearsals and speak with the director about the needs of the show.

My schedule doesn't work for tech week, How can I still be involved with crew?

The crew calls the week before and Saturdays are open to anyone interested in crew.  Many times due to sports practices make running crew tough, but we always needs people to help hang lights, make props, paint the set, house managing or just give a hand where needed when you can.