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Visual Arts

Art Department Philosophy and Goals

  • Our community
    Hastings-on-Hudson is a community that strongly supports creativity. Many visual artists, writers, performers and musicians have been drawn to our small but notable Rivertown, and the art department proudly identifies with their influence on the culture of our village.
  • Our students
    In keeping with the Hastings-on-Hudson District Philosophy Statement, the visual arts teaching staff recognizes the unique nature of each learner, as well as the importance of each student being valued as a cooperative member of a larger group. We strive to create a non-judgmental and supportive atmosphere among students, and promote the validity of personal artistic expression. Collaborative projects, peer-to-peer skill coaching, evaluations and critiques instill respect and appreciation for individual differences.
  • Our belief
    Art is fundamental to the educational process, and all students can have meaningful learning experiences in the visual arts. Art Education helps develop critical and creative thinking skills, while promoting the growth of personal understanding. The visual arts encourage aesthetic development and generate appreciation for new social and emotional experiences with individuals, groups, societies and cultures.
  • Our goal
    The art department supports a visual arts curriculum that will enhance the education of all of our students, from kindergarten through high school, and strongly support those students who may pursue further arts education and/or a career in the visual arts. It is our goal to produce self-expressive, visually literate, creative individuals who have the ability to look at, appreciate and discuss the visual arts.