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About Us

The Hastings-on-Hudson Union Free School District, which includes the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson and a portion of the Town of Greenburgh, consists of three schools - Hillside Elementary School, Farragut Middle School, and Hastings High School - each recognized by the United States Department of Education as a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence.

Exceptional teachers, high expectations for student achievement, concern for the total development of all students, and strong community support are important contributors to the success of the district. In all grades, students consistently perform at the highest levels on local, statewide and national tests. These results place them among the top performers in Westchester, a county with some of the finest schools in the nation. Many students are honor society members and receive acknowledgment from the National Merit Scholarship Program. Each year, well over 90% of graduates enroll in a wide range of private and state colleges and universities.

Extra-curricular activities are an integral part of the Hastings school experience. Over 75% of the student body participates in a variety of programs. Annually, students are selected as All-County musicians and athletes, and gain recognition for their contributions to the visual arts. Of equal importance, Hastings-on-Hudson is a caring school system. Students’ individual needs are understood and addressed. Hastings is large enough to offer a rich and varied curriculum and small enough to know and care about each and every student.

The district enjoys a stable population base, and the approximately 7,800 residents support a talented staff and enriched program. The community’s high expectations are reflected in the training, experience, skills and abilities of faculty and staff. Enthusiastic, dedicated, supportive and involved, the staff is concerned with the education of each individual student, and actively promote parental involvement in the educational process.

The district is fiscally independent and governed by a seven-member Board of Education that is elected by district residents. One of the unique features of the Hastings School District is the close working relationship between the Board of Education, staff, students, and community members.

Residents are active in the educational system as they participate in the P.T.S.A., volunteer for school activities, and serve on committees. Civic organizations also support our schools and student groups. We hope you decide to become part of Hastings' vibrant school community and welcome you whole-heartedly. 

Portrait of a Hastings Learner (POHL) 

The POHL is a strategic framework tied to the service of all Hastings students. Together, as a school community, we strive to embody POHL's essential characteristics, skills, and mindsets.

The Hastings Commitment:

  • To inspire exploration and experimentation
  • To unleash natural enthusiasm for learning and growth
  • To invite unconventional and courageous thinking
  • To cultivate equal parts confidence and compassion
  • In order to expand what one sees as possible for themselves, the community, and society.


Bold: Sees constructive risk-taking as a necessary pathway for personal and academic growth and development.

Collaborative: Works together towards a common goal. Engages in ways that stimulate learning in the classroom and positively affects the school culture and climate.

Empathetic: Seeks to understand the experiences and vulnerabilities of others and foster a sense of inclusion, equity, and belonging in the local community and the community at large.

Empowered: Asks questions, self-advocates, and has a voice in the construction of their learning experience.

Inquisitive: Sustains sparks of curiosity, seeking to explore and interact with others
and their world.

Inventive: Has the freedom to question, envision, and create possibilities as they use their unique knowledge and skill set to engage with the unknown.

Attribute Icons Design Credit: Student Angelina Ye, POHL Logo Design Credit: Student Maximilian Dodziuk


  1. We will nurture a community of diverse thinkers who actively create and participate in a just and compassionate society.
  2. We will foster authentic learning experiences that cultivate passion, aspiration, and action.
  3. We will honor individuality while respecting our shared humanity.

Action Steps:

  1. Enhance authentic learning opportunities, including interdisciplinary lessons/units. 
  2. Provide an advisory-like opportunity to support Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and students’ sense of belonging.
  3. Develop a community charter around behavioral expectations & Restorative practices.